rezla kish .

The Clipped Zephyr. The Disgraced Dragoon. Gloom.

A dishonorably discharged dragoon, trying to find her way in the world.

introduction .

Born in Ishgard, raised in the Brume, Rezla always considered her home a place that didn't give her the same kindness. The moment she questioned authority, the moment her true identity was revealed, she was falsely branded a heretic and marked for execution. Rezla made it to Gridania in one physical piece, but her mind and soul were shattered. After some time, she found her way to mercenary work. She'll do whatever for whoever, if the price is right.There was no sense to trying to keep her soul clean. After all, what good is there in trying to save a soul that's already gone?


So what you heard 'bout me?.


Name Rezla Kish
Aliases Gloom
Age Thirty six summers
Birthplace Ishgard (presumed)
Gender Cis female (she/her)
Race Viera (Veena)
Occupation Mercneary // Proctor
Orientation polyamorous pansexual
Disposition INFJ / True Neutral
Deity Menphina

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readingthe past
bonfiresaetheric healing
the coldheroes

appearance .

Height 6 fulms , 5 ilms
Build sturdy, able to take a punch or twelve
Hair Color dark purple
Hair Style down, braided along the right side. sometimes up in a ponytail
Eyes gray
Makeup thick black eyeliner/eyeshadow, dark lipstick
Skin Tone slate gray, covered in dark freckles
Scent cedar, from the oil she puts in her hair

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notable traits

Scars.ㅤRezla has a handful of scars, since she often refuses atheric healing. They include a thin line along her right jawline, a clean bitemark across most of her torso, a smaller bite mark on her left bicep, and burn marks across the back of her thighs. Throat.ㅤThe most prominent scar is across her throat- 4 claw marks from left to right at an angle. This is her 'contract scar', as she calls it, tying her to the man that really controls her voidling. Missing FingersㅤThe epitome of Rezla's hubris and shame. Rezla's left pinkie, ring finger, and top half of her middle finger are missing, fully slashed off. On the night her rage was at its worse, she tried to kill a friend. Someone stepped in and releaved her of her digits. The missing fingers are a constant reminder of the night it all went south.


Rezla is still trying to figure out who she is outside her rank as a dragoon. She's no longer part of something bigger. This tends to keep her quiet and out of the action, preferring to watch than engage. She'll defer to people she deems more favorable, and will often try and behave in a way that makes people like her. In recent time, a rage issue has taken over Rezla and causes her to butt in where she isn't wanted. She's come to blows with people more than once because of her anger issues.

Is it still a home when you're all alone

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Hobbies.ㅤLife in the barracks meant personal property and space was a rarity. Rezla picked up a love of gardening once she had her own yard. She propagates her own flowers. Her time in Gridania also had her finding interest in leatherworker. Recently, she's taken up art and drawing as something to do while away from home. Habits.ㅤRezla smokes like a chimney when allowed to. She also rolls the rings on her fingers around when nervous. In the last few years, she's also picked up a drug habit as a way to self-medicate for various issues. It hasn't gotten out of hand - yet. Skills.ㅤWhile Rezla is decently well rounded as a fighter, she skills are highest with a lance. She's recently learned how to use a scythe, as well. Her hand to hand combat is also well trained.

analysis .


Class DRG / RPR

Combat.ㅤFights with a modified lance that can transform into a scythe. Only pulls on her void powers if backed into a corner - or something draws them out.

Strengths.ㅤCombat, delegation, solo work, keeping secrets, working under pressure Weaknesses.ㅤFollowing orders, admitting wrong, aligning herself with 'evil' people, the morale backbone of a worm Motivations.ㅤDepending on the situation - a want to find a life or 'home' for herself, to be really, truly happy, or looking for the next payday Fears.ㅤA complete loss of control. She'd sooner put herself under someone else's thumb before losing herself.

story .


One would think pulling a name from a children's book about heroes would have put Rezla on a path for greatness. Of goodness. Of self-sacrifice and kindness. Once, she was. Once, she was set to be a hero. A savior to her people.But life found a way of undermining her best efforts.



Age 0-16
Location Ishgard

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Rezla doesn't know where she came from. She simply remembers life among the other Brume orphans. Her name was "Ears" before around 13, when she pulled the name Rezla from "The Ballad of Rezlaine the Benevolent", a story about a warrior that fought for the weaker name. She wanted to be kind. She wanted to make life easier for those that came after her. She started hiding her identity around 15, wearing helms and hats to hide her ears and claim to be elezen.When she was old enough, she enlisted.

Young Adult - Military

Age 17 - 20
Location Ishgard

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The last name "Kish" was born from having to give a full name when enlisting. Her name didn't truly matter. She was doing good, for once. Once she reached the rank of Temple Knight, she would've been happy to remain. Ser Kish was a title she never thought possible to reach. She turned a made up name into something with an onze of respect behind it.Maybe it was the more benevolent attitude that caused her offer for dragoon training.

The Dragoon Years

Age 20-27
Location Ishgard

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The dragoon training was grueling, as was to be expected. But Rezla took to the lance like she'd been born with it. Her small amount of aether was put to use in the graceful leaps and bounds she made through the air, giving Rezla the first feeling of something she'd never had before- freedom. Real, true freedom.Her combat prowess was not to be understated. Her missions often saw the Veena as the only dragoon with Temple Knights. She got to know many of them well - until they started dying while in combat. After yet another friend was slaughtered in front of her, Rezla started to close herself off to close companions. They were nothing but future sadness for her. It was easier to focus on the mission, instead.

Calamity and the aftermath

Age 28-29
Location Ishgard

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As with many, the Calamity had quite the effect on Rezla. Her commitment to her country felt more solid than ever. And it made her want to settle down, find a life after her time in the Dragoons was completed.This was when she met Sacha Dumont.Sacha was a minor noble, and was enthralled with Rezla's combat prowess and commitment. They began courting, and he proposed quickly. Rezla thought this was her happy ending. There was just one major issue- the world was still under the impression Rezla Kish was elezen.


Age 30-31
Location Gridania

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But all good things come to an end.During a routine scouting mission in Dravania, Rezla was caught in a fall through trap. The rest of her team left to save themselves, as was protocol. Rezla was found by two young dragons that were curious about the strange woman that was yelling in a pit. After a sennight of the dragons bringing her pieces of food to try and appease her, they helped Rezla get out of the trap and took her around Anyx Trine. Another sennight and she was effectively working as a nanny for the younglings. There was a peace to her "work", and one she was hesitant to leave when a rescue team came to retrieve her a moon later.But Rezla saw an opportunity. Taking her knowledge back to the powers that be, she tried to convince anyone that would listen of the dragons being peaceful beings that just wanted to live their lives. Word got to the wrong person, and Rezla was quickly arrested and thrown in gaol. Branded a heretic. Set for execution.Her less than morale skills from childhood got Rezla out of gaol, and she quickly made her way to Sacha's. Surely, he loved her, he would save her, right? But she was wrong. He tried to have her killed.Rezla barely made it to Gridania in one piece. Her safety wasn't even assured. The Eyes of Halone sent hunters after her to end the "spread of herecy" that followed her name. After almost dispatching one of their best, they finally left her alone.It wasn't until an elezen named Drimoux Jacanc found Rezla, scrapped her off the ground, and put a roof over her head that she felt safe. Finally with her feet under her, she felt comfortable enough to move on.


Age 32-35
Location Gridania // Kugane

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What does a person with Rezla's skill set do for gil? Mercenary work.It started small enough. Hunting down beasties that were bothering farmers, finding cats in trees, bodyguarding through bandit infested areas. Then she got a contact to kill someone. It was tenfold her usual fees, so she greedily took it. And it became intoxicating. Using her skills with blades to kill people she saw as less than herself? Easy money. She pissed off quite a few people along the way, but they were easy to dispatch.Going by the moniker "Gloom", she became well known for her lack of care for what jobs included. It started as not caring about the good people she was offing. Then who she was following. Then she got a contract that involved an unwanted love child.It wasn't like she had a soul to save.

present day

Age 36
Location Gridania // limsa // kugane // ishgard

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Her life feels like the cast off pieces of those around her. The parts no one else wanted.Rezla made a return to Ishgard to fight in a Halonic venue. After the incident that took her fingers, she turned to a recent connection to try and garner the power she needed to win a crown- Batukhan of the Dotharl. The au'ra made a deal with Rezla, slashing her throat open and planting a voildling within her to boost her powers. The crown eluded her, but her tie to Batukhan lives. And Batty, the voidling, continues to grown in power as he feeds off Rezla's aether. The deal comes with one major side effect- Rezla constantly craves blood. She needs it to heal, to feed, to nourish herself.In researching her odd rage fits, Rezla learned the truth about the oddly draconic features she took on- a dragon spirit was tied to her soul. Likely passed down from one of her unknown parents, the spirit refused to give her name. All Rezla knows is the spirit will do anything to protect Rezla - whatever it takes. But their time came to an end, as the dragon itself was ripped from her being. She's healing, now, but a part of her soul with with it.Recently, Rezla received a letter from Ser Aymeric himself of an urgent audience. Upon meeting with Ser Lucia, Rezla learned she had been pardoned of all previously accused crimes. It was a taste of freedom. But after her last cycle of choices and discoveries, Rezla doesn't know where to come from there.






Rezla only has a couple connections she maintains that are older than even a couple years. Most of her friendships, enemies, relationships are fairly new. This is by design - her habit of cutting and running when the going gets tough puts Rezla in a position where it's easier to leave than face the wrong she's wrought.The list below is not exhaustive of Rezla's relationships, just a snapshot. If you're one of the people I chat with/RP with often, feel free to shoot me a message on discord and I'll get your blorbo added!

piper galloway

RELATIONSHIP best friend

NICKNAME Cherry, Pipes

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One night, Rezla picked a new bar to haunt, and ended up meeting one of the best friends she could ever ask for. Piper has pulled Rezla out of her shell in a way Drimoux never could. Piper is always the life of the party. If she can get Rezla's light-weight butt to drink, they can be a danger together.The pair have weathered some storms together recently. Rezla's realization that her feelings for Piper have turned romantic have put a damper on the Veena's want to get closer. She can't ruin the best thing she's had in a while.

batukhan dotharl

RELATIONSHIP lover. "keeper"

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Rezla started as an informant for Batukhan. He wanted powerful artifacts, and she had information from inside Ishgard. Their relationship was mostly antagonistic, until one night when Rezla desperately needed someone to "put her in her place".When her need for power arose, Rezla went to Batukhan for help. He gave her a connection to his voidsent, tying the pair together. Forever.Recently, Batukhan gave Rezla a ring, professing it was a promise binding them for eternity. Rezla's madly in love with him; he sees her as a tool to be used.

jack rye

RELATIONSHIP ...friends?

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When it comes to Rezla and complicated relationships, no one quite does it like Jack. The pair grew up together in the Brume, giving Jack the information of Rezla's true identity. But the feeling was mutual- she knew Jack's true name as well. Jack was one of the assassins sent to kill Rezla after her exile, and she repaid him by nearly gutting him.Recently, the pair met back up at Rezla's place of employment and nearly came to blows. After a few more tense conversations, Rezla and Jack struck a deal that has him effectively Rezla's favorite blood bag.

drimoux jacanc


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Drimoux is the reason Rezla still draws breath. The former adventurer caught the Viera around his usual haunts in Gridania, eventually striking up a conversation with her. The friendship grew into more, and he saw Rezla as the daughter he was never able to raise.The conjurer now keeps an eye on her whenever possible. He often is in her house when she's been gone a while, patches her wounds, and makes sure she's eating alright.


RELATIONSHIP cutest piece of ass this side of eitherys

NICKNAME sweet pea

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A chance meeting at a fighting club led to one of the worst nights of Rezla's life, but also put her on a collision course with Jayce. For a while, he was her rock. Her solid place to cling to when the going go tough. But after someone from Jayce's past found it fun to break Rezla, literally and figuratively, she pushed herself away from Jayce for his own safety.She still loves him- as a friend, and as more. But Rezla wants Jayce to be happy, and she doesn't see herself as part of that equation beyond a friend.

maiel lerrafel


nickname sunshine

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Maiel and Rezla floated within each other's circles for a while before officially meeting. Their first few meetings were passionate, aggressive, and left Rezla feeling empty for some strange reason. But it was easy enough to put together- Maiel was the very model of what Rezla wanted to be. On maybe a not so smart note, Maiel took Rezla under his wing to help train her.Rezla eventually ended up confessing feelings to Maiel- the one person who took it well and was gentle in turning her down. She considers him one of her closest friends, eternally grateful that he's by Jayce's side.

bjarne djt-bidit


nickname monarch

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Who knew that kicking a man's sword would lead to one of the most stable relationships Rezla's ever had? They started as birds of a feather, finding each other in clubs and venues to pass the time. But after Bjarne sought out Rezla to fix some wounds, she found herself leaning on the other mercenary as a trust companion and friend.It probably helps that Bjarne immediately offered to kill Rezla's ex upon learning how he treated her. Nothing like someone willing to kill for you to win a broken soul's heart.

shayurei qestir


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The first time Rezla met Sha, he broke into her house while she was bleeding on the floor from her fingers getting whacked off. Then he shot an arrow to graze across her face, and wondered why an au'ra was so deformed?It's a wonder Rezla considers him one of her closest confidants.Tied together through the enigma that is Batukhan, Rezla and Shayurei have butted heads often. She's jealous of him sometimes, but she can't imagine her life without him.

beau dawnstrider

RELATIONSHIP rezla's compass

nickname wayfarer, compass

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It's a bundle of dynamite ready to explode, held in Rezla's hands like a cherished bouquet of flowers. Rezla knows Beau as just a coworker, a friend, someone that makes her heart feel a little funny when they make eye contact. Someone Rezla trusts, can call on if she needs back up for any reason. Whatever the case may be.Rezla doesn't have the full story. And she'll be heartbroken whenever the full truth comes outNote: Beau is Rezla's canon Warrior of Light. If Rezla ever mentions the WoL, she's talking about Beau.

Emerick Ashiir

RELATIONSHIP friend, foil

nickname snowdrop

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The first words out of Rezla's mouth when she met Emerick was "Oh, you're the dress ripper!" Which colored their friendship from the get. He was a fun person to flirt with, a bright light in a darker world. But an emotionally raw Rezla took a jab at Piper, and Emerick called Rezla out on it. Their private conversation ballooned until Rezla came to the realization: she was in love with Piper, and Emerick's romantic relationship with the miqo'te turned Rezla's gaze green with envy.While Rezla is cold at times, she sees Emerick as a cherished friend. Someday, when she gets over Piper, they'll just be good friends... right?

Sorka Fyneth

RELATIONSHIP friend, coworker


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Rezla had once been nervous about getting close with other Viera. Learning about her own long lifespan was rough enough. But Sorka wriggled her way under Rezla's skin and crawled in before she could notice. They're just friends, right? With many benefits, of course, which Rezla appreciates after a long day in Ishgard.But Rezla's gaze doesn't linger on her friends the way they do on Sorka. She doesn't get overly excited to see her friends like she does with Sorka. Surely it's nothing, right?

Eru'a Roossa


nickname petunia, petty

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If pressed, Rezla wouldn't have considered Eru much of anything to her- she barely thought about the man prior to the night of the Incident. He clearly had a crush on Piper, which she thought was cute. But after a night with a certain cat boy, Eru started needling Rezla. Rezla's rage issues not under control, she flared and started to nearly choke the life out of him. Were it not for timely intervention - and Rezla being relieved of 2.5 of her fingers - Eru would have likely died.Eru then wiped the floor with Rezla in the championship match that followed.The pair are now cordial, albeit still at each other's throats. Sometimes the best friends are those that have seen and know your darkness.

Leon Blackwood

RELATIONSHIP friend/brother

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Rezla first approached Leon to ask about his magitek arm, curious about if her fingers could be replaced with something similar. It was really just supposed to be a working relationships- Leon had connections and talent, Rezla had a need and money to burn.But a work relationship turned to something else when Rezla's blood cravings latched onto Leon and wouldn't let go. After her thirst was sated, the pair found a friendship that still makes Rezla question how many concussions Leon has gotten.As one of Porsche's "kids", Rezla also jokingly calls Leon her brother. It's only half a joke anymore.

porsche nan cato

RELATIONSHIP friend/ "dad"

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It started with a bowl of soup.Rezla and Porsche had been floating in the same circles for a while. Both frequented the same fighting clubs, though Rezla did first officially meet him during a fateful fight that included Jayce throwing crickets at Porsche. They started as friends, but after a stern talking to and a bowl of borscht, Rezla found a father figure in Porsche.She just hopes he'll let himself be happy, too.

Theo Draumur

RELATIONSHIP friend / "plan b"

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Theo was just another employee as another bar Rezla frequented, until an explosion had Rezla on the ground bleeding out. The last thing she expected was the reserved and often hostile Viera to stop what he was doing and heal her completely, not even leaving a scar.After that, Rezla found herself drawn to Theo. She'd enjoy having him like things and find enjoyment, but she also appreciates someone who tells her like it is.Which is why she made Theo promise her- if Rezla ever loses control, ever becomes not herself, he will kill her.

Azar Jazaeri

RELATIONSHIP friend...??

nickname solstice

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On paper, Azar and Rezla should be friends, or at the very least have things in common that would make them closer. But Rezla has a habit of burning paper.Rezla put about .2 seconds of effort in to make Azar like her when they first met. But they immediately butted heads when Piper was in danger, and Rezla gave up. And then beat Azar so badly in the ring Azar needed time to recover.During a normal night out, Rezla and Azar got hurt. Bad. When Rezla saw something in Azar that really shouldn't be there, she realized the two had more in common than she thought. Next step: getting Azar to like her.

Osprey Hahliatoh


nickname hawk

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Osprey was simply another target for Rezla's favorite game of "bully the cat boy". He even put up a fight, her favorite! But after an unintentional heart to heart and almost bleeding out on the floor in front of him, Rezla came to see Osprey as a friend in shitty circumstances. Even if the person holding Osprey's leash was someone Rezla would trust with her life.Over the years, Rezla developed a drug habit. Her previous dealers were more shady figures and back alley dealers. Having someone like Osprey she could trust has helped immensely. Given she always overpays, he'd never hurt her, right?

E'lithas Tamsin

RELATIONSHIP Pain in Rezla's ass

nickname Thorn

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In due time, Rezla will thank E'lithas for what he's done for her, to her, and around her. However, for now, she still dreams about ripping the little shit's head off.It's not his fault her fingers are gone- but it was his magic that sliced them from her body. So the miqo'te's face causes her blood to boil at the simple thought. She's agreed to play nice- mostly because her need to have E'lithas' mate, Matteo, like her is greater than her hatred- but she'll forever be looking for opportunities to fuck with him.Multiple people have told her that Rezla and E'lithas have important things in common. She thinks they're lying.

Shri'ke Lanius


nickname commander claws

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Rezla's relationship with Shri'ke is likely the most changed over time. Once, she looked for any opportunity to belittle and demean him, finding new and fun ways to drop insults on him. After a few incidents of head butting that crescendoed to Rezla taking a bite out of Shri'ke's neck, there's a spoken trust between the pair.While once, Rezla would have throw Shri'ke off a building if it suited her, she now finds the commander to be someone she'd trust with her life. He's still a little goody-goody for her tastes- but he also strikes her as the type to make the hard decisions. The somewhat shared military history helps, too.

Charmont Ornedwesfv

RELATIONSHIP guild member/employee

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When Rezla first formed her guild, she knew who she needed to recruit first - someone with a moral backbone that wouldn't bend to her wills. Someone that, while Rezla considered herself "neutral", would be "good" and lawful. Something to lend the guild legitimacy. Thus- she hired Charmont.Almost immediately, the pair butted heads. Charmont put himself between Rezla and someone she was intimidating, ending in her void powers flaring and stabbing Charmont in the shoulder. It's put a damper on their relationship, but Rezla continues to give him responsibilities. He was the best she could find- that hasn't changed.



hooks .

While Rezla's life has been incredibly complicated, things seem to be calming down - for now. That doesn't mean life doesn't have a few curve balls in the way for her.In terms of hooks, they're written out to give ideas! Hooks don't call to you? Hit me up, let's chat about something else that works for our characters.


Home.ㅤLavender Beds - Ward 27 - Plot 31. The place Rezla calls home. The Spice Rack.ㅤMist - Ward 3 - Plot 29. Rezla's guildhall. Kish Hideaway.ㅤShirogane - Kobai Goten - Wing 1 - Ward 23 - Apartment 74. A hideaway few know of. The Fury's Hallow. ➙ㅤRezla's place of (legal) employment, where she proctors The Jabberwocky. ➙ㅤWhen her keeper got a job, Rezla had to see what he was like in public. She's learned a lot there- and made many new connections.


"Rolling in it.ㅤShe has multiple hours and coin to spend. Where's it all coming from?" "Void.ㅤShe sometimes summons something odd, almost voidsent like. Is it the void, or something else?" "Secret Keeper.ㅤ14 years of hiding her ears from everyone. How did she manage that?". "History.ㅤHow did a Veena child get dumped in the Brume with no one knowing?".

a job // "Gloom"


Rezla is always looking for work. She'll take just about anything, all under the name "Gloom". Find her in a bar drinking or buying goods in the market.



With her friend group growing, Rezla can sometimes be found at clubs, bars, or other venues. She'll often be tucked in a booth alone or hovering at the edges, watching.

sweat on the brow


At the behest of a friend, Rezla got into a fighting ring- and found a new love. She'll find any reason to go toe-to-toe with anyone, even if it's a terrible idea on her part. Maybe you were her opponent, or maybe you were an observer, or maybe even watched her proctor a fight.

fish out of water


While Rezla has spent much of her time in different places, she still doesn't consider herself to have a real home. She always looks a little out of place wherever she is. Maybe you're a kind soul wanting to help her find her way around.

i remember you


A purple-haired Viera isn't something a person is likely to forget when surrounded by only Hyur and Elezen. Rezla had friends and other acquaintances before she changed her identity. Those people grew up, and with Rezla return to Ishgard for work, it's not unheard of that she'd cross their paths once more.

a fluffle


Unknown to her, Rezla's father is a Veena that has left behind many children, most unknown to him. Rezla has half-siblings all over the place. **Note: please talk to me first about this one. There's already a couple other siblings, and it's important there's no cross over!





21+ only

Regardless of plot, I will only write with writers that are 21+. If under, I'm fine with brief interactions in groups. Otherwise, please respect this boundary. If I learned you are younger than this, I will end all contact immediately.


Up for all RP formats

In game, long form, short form, discord, google doc - doesn't matter. I spend a lot of my time online, so it's easier to form to what sort of roleplaying works for us.


I am not my OC

I am not my OC. Rezla can be brash and standoffish and downright rude at times. Don't take it personally, and I won't take whatever your OC does personally!


Filthy console player

Currently, I play FFXIV on PS5. While I do mouse/keyboard, this means I cannot see your mods. I also have no mods myself. I appreciate messages of what your character looks like. I play a lot of DnD, I can pretend.



Please, please, please tell me if you have an issue with something. I'm fully comfortable telling someone to back off, handle something different, anything in that vein. Please give me the same courtesy.



Hello! I've been roleplaying grind for over 15 years, but only since August 2022 in FFXIV. Because of this, expect me to say wrong stuff about lore. Just be gentle with correcting me.Discord available upon request! I basically live in discord, it's a great place to chat with me!

Name Flynn
Pronouns They/them
Age 30+
In-Game Name Rezla Kish
Server Crystal / Brynhildr
Timezone PST


I'm eager to write about...

Mature Themes
ERP (with some approval)
Lore bending
Rolling during rp


I don't want write about...

Wol-centric plots- Rezla already has a canon WOL
Rezla's backstory
Permanent disfiguration